In a kingdom a long time ago, far, far away. We meet the strangest people. All of them seek a form of power over the other. Some dream of better days, some want to yell at another for no real reason. Power over people can make you do weird things. When others are afraid of you, it has a strange effect.


This comedy will bring you a play like it was done in the old days. Commedia Dell’Arte.


Director and writer: Boris Chomette



Ricardo Cordeiro de Sousa, Emiel Ferment, Szula Kane, Elena Krynina, Giulia Montorsi, Zuza Nazaruk, Jana Rosenfeld, Thelonious Schairer-Penny, Dina Sobhi and Michal Tadla.


Production: RISK Toneel


When and where:

June 7th at 20:15, Theater 't Kapelletje, Rotterdam

June 8th at 19:30, Erasmus Paviljoen, Rotterdam

Pictures of the play